حقل التسجيل لدروس اللغة الانجليزية
اختبارات متنوعة .... هيا اختبر نفسك في اللغة الإنجليزية
السبت، 6 مارس 2021
الأحد، 31 يناير 2021
تعلـــم اللغة الإنجليزية English learning
بسم الله الرحمن الرخيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ,مرحباً بكم في المنصة التعليمة الشاملة نبدأ بحول الله أول دروس تعليم اللغة الإنجليزية
مرفق مع النصوص مقاطع فديو أو صوت أوصور لمزيد من الشرح
اللغة الانجليزية كاللغات الأخرى لتتعلمها يجب معرفة أجزاء الكلام فيها, بمعنى أن تتعرف علي تكويناتها وكيف نكتب وننطق .
نبدأ بحروف اللغة
الإنجليزية وأصواتها:
في اللغة الإنجليزية 26 حرف هجاء English Alphabet
الأحد، 10 يناير 2021
A Thirsty Crow
It was a hot summer day. A crow was very thirsty. It flew here and there in search of water. It could not find the water. It sat on a branch of a tree. There was a pitcher under the tree. There was some water in the pitcher. It was very happy
الجمعة، 8 يناير 2021
The Fisherman and His Partner
Once a king arranged a feast. He was fond of fish. Fish was not available. A fisherman brought a fish. The gatekeeper stopped him at the gate. The gatekeeper said. "I can allow you if you give
الخميس، 7 يناير 2021
Lies Beget Danger
There was a small village at the foot of a hill, where the villagers lived happily. A shepherd boy also lived there.
He used to graze the sheep in the valley from dawn to dusk, and returned home in the evening
الاثنين، 4 يناير 2021
The Duck Pond
SO little Bridget took the baby on her right arm and a jug in her left hand, and went to the farm to get the milk. On her way she went by the garden-gate of a large house that stood close to
الأحد، 3 يناير 2021
A Pound of Butter (Honesty)
There was a farmer who sold a pound of butter to a baker. One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see if he was getting the right amount, which he wasn’t. Angry about this, he
السبت، 2 يناير 2021
The Three Cows
Once, three cows lived in a green and fresh pasture near a forest: a white cow, a black cow and a reddish-brown cow. The cows were kind to each other. They used to graze in the meadow together and sleep
الجمعة، 1 يناير 2021
True Wealth
Once upon a time, there lived a very rich and wealthy man in a big town. He led a luxurious life. He always boasted about his wealth to his
The Faithful Dog
There is a legend of a woman who had a fithful dog. This dog was so faithful that the woman could leave her baby with it and go out to attend other matters. She always returned to find the child soundly asleep with the dog faithfully
الخميس، 31 ديسمبر 2020
The Sun and the Wind
It was an autumn day. The wind and the sun had an argument.
The wind boasted "I am stronger than you."
The sun mildly said "No. you are not in a blanket was passing by. The wind said, "Whoever separates the blanket from traveller is the
الثلاثاء، 29 ديسمبر 2020
The Hidden Treasure
There lived an old farmer with his three sons in a village.
الاثنين، 28 ديسمبر 2020
Greedy Boy
Sam and Tom were identical twins. They were so identical that even their mother found it difficult to distinguish one from the other, at
الأحد، 27 ديسمبر 2020
Rose for Mother
A man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired to his mother who lived two hundred miles away. As he got out of his car he
السبت، 26 ديسمبر 2020
Father and Sons
A father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarreling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a
Appreciation of Hard Work
One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company. He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made the last decision.
الجمعة، 25 ديسمبر 2020
A friend in need is a friend indeed
الخميس، 17 ديسمبر 2020
HOME ALONE , story 1
One day Mr. & Mrs. David went out to attend a wedding. Their two sons Jack and Tom were all alone in the house. At midnight, the doorbell rang. Tom ran and opened the door thinking that his parents were back.
But there he found a stranger standing at the door. Actually, he was a burglar
The Apple Tree and the Farmer ,story 3
Once upon a time, there lived a farmer in a village, beside a forest. He had a big garden that had an old apple tree and other plants, trees and beautiful flowers. When the farmer was a little boy, he spent much of his time playing with the apple tree. Those days, the apple tree had given the choicest of apples to him. However, as time passed, the apple tree became old and stopped
The Ant and the Dove , story 4
One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some time, It came to a spring. To reach the spring, it had to climb up a blade of grass. While making it's way
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صفحة التعليمية علي الفيس
مدون معلوماتي متخصص في امن و حماية
معلومات عنك بعد انضمام الى فريق العمل
معلومات عنك بعد انضمام الى فريق العمل